Saturday, August 4, 2007

Florence is the only place for nerds like me....

Alright, so this is going to be quick, since I don't have loads of time and I need to go find my bed, seeing as I have to get up bright and early again to go to the Accademia...tough life, hey? Anyway....sorry it's been so long, but Venice was stupidly expensive...we're talking 10 euro an hour, so that just wasn't happening. I'm in Florence now, and am heading about an hour out of town tomorrow to a villa/farmhouse in a town called Certaldo. I'm really looking forward to it as a break from all of these cities, and apparently it's only an hour and a half bike ride to San Gimignano (and closer to some tasty wineries...). Having a great time in Florence, and am being a huge nerd, visiting all the places storing the art works I've been writing papers about for years! It's great. I'll catch up on the Hungary news next time. Oh, and it's SO nice being in a country where I can communicate with having actual *conversations* with people in their own language. I'm loving it, even though my italian is even rustier than my french! No one seems to mind, and it even helped me find my hostel (thanks to the wonderfully helpful woman I found in the street!). that's it, that's all, goodbye. =)

1 comment:

Guns said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! FLORENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously this means you actually got to go the Uffitzi this time, hmmm? Lu-u-ucky.

Mind you, wineries and farm houses sound pretty awesome, too.

Too bad Venice is so expensive- I guess they have to fund all those "OMG VENICE IS SINKING!" projects somehow...