Saturday, July 14, 2007

Some Sarajevo pictures

Ok, so these pictures are a few that I took while in Sarajevo. I'm uploading more onto my flickr site as I write.
This first pic is of the 'Tunnel of Hope', on the far side of the Sarajevo airport. Basically, during the war, the Serbs left the area around the airport open (at first because of a lack of tactical advantage, then because the UN took over the airport to administer humanitarian aid), so the Bosnians started digging this 800m long tunnel from either end, meeting in the middle. During the 4 years during which Sarajevo was under siege, this was one of the main ways supplies were brought into the city, and it was also used to shuttle people out of the city who had somewhere in Croatia or somewhere else to go.

This is one of the lucky buildings that survived, but you can see the damage it took. This is a completely normal sight around the city.

This is one of the cathedrals to go with the many many mosques around the city. I haven't transferred all of my Sarajevo pics yet, so the mosque pictures come later.....


Phyllis McGreevey said...

Nice! The Daniels' got nothing on ya...

jaime said...

the Daniels?