Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Who turned the sun up? Just when you thought it couldn't get any hotter....

here I am in Vienna....I've been here for a day and a half, and feel like I haven't done much, but I think that's only in relation to how many things there are to do here! If you really wanted to hit every museum here, you'd be here for weeks, methinks. Checked out the Kunsthistoriches museum today, and it was pretty cool...think I only saw the picture gallery, and was there for hours, but it was amazing.
Been meeting loads of interesting folk, some wanted, some not so guy today started off trying to hawk me concert tickets and then told me if I wanted a 'real' tour of Vienna, to call his cell phone number....oh, I should have prefaced this by saying he was dressed in a satin vest and tights, basically (or whatever they're called....his mozart type costume). Needless to say, I decided against going out with the sleazy ticket salesman, and hung out with my roommate instead.
I guess I never posted about Olomouc. It was a cool place, but not as great as people had made me believe. Still a lot of fun, and the people in the hostel were great folk, with whom I hung out for the couple days I was there. My last night there was pretty funny. We started out with dinner, moving on to a microbrewery, on to a bar that is in an old soviet airplane (yes, you heard me, AIRPLANE), at which point the Czech/Russian guy convinced us to go play darts with him and his friends (we were a group of 5 or so, but we were a little scared about losing our kidneys!) we went, and it was fun. They spoke no English, and we know no Czech, so it was an interesting night in all!!
It's odd, being back in a big city again. It's so funny to think that most people only go to the big cities, and from what I've seen, it's the smaller towns that I enjoy most. Don't get me wrong, Vienna is awesome, as are the other places I've been (and, being an art nerd, I'm in heaven here), but it's just such a different thing to go to the smaller places.
Anyway, this hasn't been such an interesting posting, but I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive and kicking. Tomorrow is Vienna still, then on to Ljubljiana, capital of Slovenia (then BLED! wooot mountains, aka Alps! maybe I'll be able to get away from this absolutely oppressive heat/humidity!).
oh, and mum - sorry bout getting cut off, my phone credit didn't really last as long as planned....


Pat Awmack said...

Are you taking any photos? Do we get to see them when you come home? Hope so. Wendy and I actually bought tickets from one of the Mozart fellows, but we certainly didn't get asked to call their cell phone! Could be something to do with the age difference???? Sounds like you are having a blast. Wish I was there...

Janine Lim said...

oh jaime, attracting all the hot boys while on vacation...hee hee hee :)
have fun in the mountains and enjoy the heat while it lasts!!

Mike said...

Kidneys aren't that important. You lose one, you won't die. Now if you miss a game of darts on the other hand............

jaime said...'s something about the vienna boys....I don't think I've had quite so many people follow me, chatting relentlessly as has happened in this city! and it's not a good thing! this is a beautiful city, but I'm kind of ready to be done with some of these people....=p
As for the kidneys, OBviously a game of darts is more important than the organs. hey, we all made sure we knew where they were taking us!

Guns said...

Um, AIRPLANE BAR?!?!!? Rad!!!

Um, ALPS?!!?!!??!? Whoah, I'm so seriously jealous. Are you going to yodel in some lederhosen?



jaime said...

I've already left lederhosen country, unfortunately, but I DID see some while I was there! No yodellers gonna have to work on that. yeah, T - you would've enjoyed it, I spent my late afternoon/evening having an iced coffee and then a glass of wine while sitting at a table overlooking the river/canal. It was awesome.